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Fig.1 Suicidal cut throat.

Suicidal cut throat

| Suicide | No Comments
Suicidal cut throat. The wounds are horizontal, rather than the more common sloping-down from left to right in…
Fig.1 Decapitation of the head from a train suicide.

Decapitation of the head from a train suicide

| Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Decapitation of the head from a train suicide. Train suicides often result in severe and fatal injuries…
Fig.1 An electrocution system linked to a timer in a suicide by electrocution.

Suicide by electrocution

| Suicide | No Comments
Fatalities caused by electrocution often lack specific morphologic evidence. Investigation of the death scene together with technical inspection…
Fig.1 Straight incised wound placed right across the neck with a mildly abraded margin placed almost horizontally at the level of the 5th cervical vertebra.

Bizarre use of log splitter in a suicide

| Suicide | No Comments
The decedent was a 47-year old motor mechanic, who worked in a workshop in a rural community. He…
Fig.1 Suicide by drowning.

Suicide by drowning

| Decomposition, Drowning, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by drowning because of financial worries. Bodies removed from water show excessive gas production…
Fig.1 Massive head trauma from gunshot.

Massive head trauma from gunshot

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Suicidal gunshot wound to the head. No further info. At close range, the shotgun is the most formidable…

Train track suicide

| Suicide | No Comments
Russia. This individual committed suicide by laying on the train tracks, he then got decapitated from an arriving…
Fig 1. furrow marks are on the neck from the rope.

Suicide by hanging

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
This man committed suicide by hanging, furrow marks are on the neck from the rope. Hanging is one…
Fig.1 The partially charred body of the 64-year-old man found on an “altar” made of banknotes. The plastic container with the accelerant is shown nearby the body.

A burned body found on an “altar” made of banknotes

| Fire, Suicide | No Comments
Greece. The partially charred body of a man was found by fire department officers inside a burnt house.…
Fig.1 Macroscopic bilateral external view of the head lesions.

Suicide in a cemetery

| Suicide | No Comments
Italy. A 62-years old man, with a depressive syndrome in pharmacological treatment, was found dead in the parking…
Fig.1 A 31-year-old man, suicide by shooting himself in the mouth.

Postmortem animal activity by a pet dog

| Animal Scavenging, Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. A 31-year-old man lived with his 71-year-old mother and his pet German Shepherd in a converted garden…
Fig.1 Case 1. The body of a man with a plastic bag on the head, a compressed helium cylinder in the background.

15 Cases of helium suicides

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
Helium is one of inert gases causing physical asphyxiation, whose excess content in the breathing atmosphere reduces the…
Fig.1 A man cuts his own neck.

A man cuts his own neck

| Suicide | No Comments
Russia. At a local market, a man started cutting his neck and tried to remove his larynx, he…
Fig.2 Complete self-amputation of the scrotum and penis with scissors.

Complete self-amputation of the scrotum and penis with scissors

| Suicide | No Comments
Self-mutilation thought by the police to be a bizarre homicide. The genitals have been amputated, the throat cut…
Fig.1 Decapitation by a train.

Decapitation by a train

| Accident, Suicide | No Comments
Railway injuries are not uncommon, especially in countries with many ‘level crossings’ (called ‘grade crossings’ in the USA),…
Fig.1 Gunshot wound in the right temple.

Gunshot wound in the right temple

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the right temple. The impression of the muzzle print…

Man commits suicide by jumping off building

| Suicide | No Comments
Suicide by jumping from a building is not uncommon, and it is a method that has been used…
Fig.1 Cut throat death.

Cut throat death

| Homicide, Suicide | No Comments
This individual bled to death after a cut throat injury. Cut-throat deaths involve deep incisions or lacerations across…
Fig.1 Protrusion of the tongue with dark discoloration due to postmortem drying.

Protrusion of the tongue with dark discoloration

| Asphyxiation, Decomposition, Suicide | No Comments
Autopsy photograph featuring protrusion with dark discoloration of the tongue due to postmortem drying, in a case of…
Fig.1 Suicidal cuts using a box cutter.

Suicidal cuts using a box cutter

| Suicide | No Comments
The finding illustrated is a group of sharp force injuries (incisions) that are self-inflicted, as evidenced by the…

Firearm discharged into the mouth

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Note the tissue tears extending from the sides of the mouth. These tears result from the large amount…
Fig.1 Decomposing suicide victim.

Decomposing suicide victim

| Decomposition, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by hanging. When the body was found it was in an advanced state of…
Fig.1 Çelik dismembered the body of İkbal Uzuner at the historic Edirnekapı city walls in Fatih.

Man kills two women and commits suicide

| Homicide, Suicide | No Comments
Turkey. On October 4, 2024, Istanbul was shaken by a horrific incident where 19-year-old Semih Çelik brutally murdered…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal activity on a suicide victim.

Postmortem animal activity on a suicide victim

| Animal Scavenging, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by hanging. Postmortem animal activity can be seen on the ear and chin of…
Fig.1 Suicide with a shotgun to the head.

Suicide with a shotgun to the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide with a shotgun blast to the head. The head is the most common location…
Fig.1 Under the chin gunshot suicide.

Under the chin gunshot suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual has committed an under the chin suicide with a gun. The head is the most common…
Fig.1 Image of the judicial on-site inspection.

Young woman commits suicide due to COVID-19 lockdown

| Suicide | No Comments
Italy. A 19-year-old woman suffering from anorexia and depression (not pharmacologically treated) had experienced further exacerbation of her…
Fig.1 Shotgun suicide.

Shotgun suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
US. Shotgun suicide, c.a. 1940's, colorized. No further info. In the head, neck, and limbs, shotgun exit wounds…
Fig.2 The victim was a 57-year-old psychiatric inpatient.

Psychiatric patient jumped off a building

| Suicide | No Comments
Scene of suicide. The victim was a 57-year-old psychiatric inpatient who had left her ward unnoticed and jumped…
Fig.1 Perioral lacerations from an intraoral gunshot wound.

Perioral lacerations from an intraoral gunshot wound

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Perioral lacerations from an intraoral gunshot wound blowback from a closed mouth. In this intraoral gunshot wound, note…
Fig.1 Woman commits suicide in a closet.

Woman commits suicide in a closet

| Asphyxiation, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
Chicago, Illinois, US. In this case, the female victim’s body was discovered by a relative who went to…
Fig.1 Gunshot to the head in a suicide.

Gunshot to the head in a suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide with a gunshot to the head. Head injuries from shotguns and high-powered rifles are…
Fig.1 Decomposing body of a man in a bathtub.

Decomposing body of a man in a bathtub

| Decomposition, Suicide | No Comments
These photographs depict the body of a man in a bathtub, fully clothed and lying in the water.…
Fig.1 Man cuts his own neck.

Man cuts his own neck

| Suicide | No Comments
This man committed suicide by cutting his own neck. No further info. Cut throat is not the commonly…
Fig.1 The female victim in the bed. The bloodspatter pattern, the funnel-shaped soot stain and the missile defect in the wall indicate a raised position of the head at the moment of the gunshot.

A case of murder suicide

| Gunshot, Homicide, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. In a case of extended suicide, a man killed his wife with a contact gunshot to the…

Train track suicide

| Suicide | No Comments
Russia. This individual committed suicide by laying on train tracks, she then got decapitated from an arriving train.…
Fig.1 The victim and the extensive damage inflicted by the high velocity blast.

Suicide with a .308 rifle

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
New York. These photos depict a close-up of the victim and the extensive damage inflicted by the high…
Fig.1 Cross section of the body from a train suicide.

Cross section of the body from a train suicide

| Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Cross section of the body from a train suicide. No further info. Fig.1 Cross section of the…
Fig.1 Extensive disintegration of a body that has been run over by a train.

Extensive disintegration of a body that has been run over by a train

| Accident, Suicide | No Comments
This individual has been run over by a train causing extensive disintegration of the body. Railway injuries are…
Fig.1 Putrified suicide victim.

Putrified suicide victim

| Decomposition, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Suicide victim found in mid- to late stages of putrefaction. The marbled green, red, and…
Fig.1 Patterned abraded contusion.

Patterned abraded contusion

| Suicide | No Comments
Patterned injury on the gluteal area of a victim who jumped from the 5th floor of a building,…
Fig.1 Stellate-shaped contact wound of the forehead.

Stellate-shaped contact wound of the forehead

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
In contact gunshot wounds with bony tissue underlying the injury, the injuries are typically called a stellate wound,…
Fig.1 The deceased in supine position with whitish material in the region of the mouth. Note the fastened belt around the neck as well as bag filled with plaster.

Complex suicide: Self-strangulation and plaster ingestion

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
A recently deceased 48-year-old male was found supine, in a wooded area (Fig.1). There was a belt around…
Fig.1 The state in which the individual was found.

Suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. This middle-aged man committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning, he connected the exhaust to a tube that…
Fig.1 Circular saw cuts of neck.

Circular saw cuts of the neck

| Suicide | No Comments
Circular saw cuts of the neck in a suicide, no further info. Accidental table saw injuries are common…
Fig.1 Cranial burst from a contact gunshot wound to the forehead

Cranial burst from a contact gunshot wound to the forehead

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Cranial burst from a contact gunshot wound to the forehead. No further info. In the head, neck, and…
Fig.1 Maxillary fractures caused by shotgun blast.

Maxillary fractures caused by shotgun blast

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Maxillary fractures caused by shotgun blast suicide with entrance via the oral cavity. No further info. In…
Fig.1 A suicide that resulted in decapitation.

A suicide that resulted in decapitation

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
This is the case of a 41-year-old male with a two-year history of depressed mood, for which he…
Fig.1 Suicide by hanging.

Suicide by hanging

| Asphyxiation, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Suicide by hanging with two turns of the ligature and detail of the two furrows and jugular…

Metalhead decapitates his love crush

| Homicide, Suicide | No Comments
Germany - February 20, 2008. 32-year-old Matthias Schoormann, AKA Troll, had played guitar in a black metal band…
Fig.1 Shotgun suicide.

Shotgun suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide using a shotgun, no further info. The head is the most common location for…
Fig.1 Nitrous oxide death.

Nitrous oxide death

| Accident, Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. There was no info if this was a suicide or an accident. Nitrous oxide is an inflammable…
Fig.1 Contact gunshot wound from a shotgun slug.

Contact gunshot wound from a shotgun slug

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Contact gunshot wound from a shotgun slug. The entrance wound can be seen under the chin and the…
Fig.1 Under the chin suicide.

Under the chin suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide with a gunshot under the chin using a rifle also resulting in a complete…

Suicide of a 53-year-old woman

| Suicide | No Comments
Suicide of a 53-year-old woman who inflicted cuts to both sides of her neck and to the flexor…
Fig.1 Explosive-induced trauma.

Explosive-induced trauma

| Explosion, Homicide, Suicide | No Comments
Explosive-induced trauma of the upper posterior part of the trunk with decapitation and gaping lacerations of the superior…
Fig.1 The individual’s body upon jumping from a fourth story window.

Woman jumps out of window

| Suicide | No Comments
Spain. A middle-aged woman suffering from major depressive disorder who jumped out of a fourth floor window in…
Fig.1 Man run over by a train.

Man run over by a train

| Suicide | No Comments
Spain. This 55-year-old male was run over by a train with the intention of committing suicide. His family…
Fig.1 Hanging with mummified body.

Hanging with mummified body

| Decomposition, Mummification, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Mummification occurs in hot, dry environments. The body dehydrates and bacterial proliferation may be minimal. The skin…
Fig.1 This individual has a contact-range gunshot wound on the forehead.

A large stellate contact entrance wound of the forehead

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by gunshot wound of the forehead. A large stellate contact entrance wound of the…

Young couple jumped off a 12-story building

| Suicide | No Comments
Almaty, Kazakhstan - 29 May 2013. A young couple committed suicide together by jumping off a 12-story building.…
Fig.5 The gunshot wound on the left was an exit wound.

Bloated body found in a lake

| Decomposition, Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
The body of a man was seen floating in a lake near the shore. Once the body was…
Fig.2 Thyroid cartilage can be seen.

Suicidal throat cut after breakup

| Suicide | No Comments
This 28-year-old man committed suicide by cutting his throat, he was feeling depressed after a breakup with his…
Fig.2 The upper front of her shirt was heavily blood-stained with around six bullet holes.

Woman was found dead with 6 bullet holes

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This woman was found dead in bed, fully dressed. The upper front of her shirt was heavily blood-stained…
Fig.1 Suicidal cut of the throat.

Suicidal cut of the throat by a chainsaw

| Suicide | No Comments
Germany. Suicidal cut of the throat by a chainsaw. No further info. Suicides involving the use of chainsaws…
Fig.1 The position of the deceased at the death scene showing widespread bruising.

Multiple injuries in suicide simulating homicide

| Suicide | No Comments
A 47-year-old female was found lying unclothed on the kitchen floor at her home address. There was extensive…
Fig.1 The victim was hanging with plastic ropes on a treadmill.

A case of planned complex suicide

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
South Korea. Translated from Korean. The deceased is an unemployed 66-year-old man. After his divorce, he lived alone…

Woman commits suicide by truck

| Suicide | No Comments
Brazil. A woman committed suicide by throwing herself under a moving truck. Suicide by truck, also known as…
Fig.1 Severe disruption of the face.

Severe disruption of the face

| Suicide | No Comments
This victim died after jumping from the third floor of a building landing on his face. Severe disruption…
Fig.2 Exit with cranial rupture.

Suicide by intraoral shotgun wound

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Russia. This individual committed suicide by intraoral shotgun wound. In the head, neck, and limbs, shotgun exit wounds…
Fig.1 Suffocation suicide with plastic bag.

Suffocation suicide with plastic bag

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. No info. Suffocation by plastic bag is not common. The finding of a body at the scene…
Fig.1 Plastic bag suffocation.

Plastic bag suffocation

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
Cook County. The plastic bag prevents the physiologic breathing by rapid oxygen consumption and mechanical obstruction of the…
Fig.1 Massive head trauma from a suicide.

Massive head trauma from a suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide with a gun. He has massive head trauma and cranial rupture. The head is…
Fig.3 The mother’s partially skeletonized body on the kitchen floor.

2 mummified bodies found in Florida home

| Decomposition, Homicide, Mummification, Suicide | No Comments
Lehigh Acres, Florida, US, 2002. A 63-year-old woman lived with her 34-year-old son in a residential neighborhood in…

Massive head trauma severely limiting visual identification

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Massive head trauma severely limiting visual identification. No further info. At close range, the shotgun is the most…
Fig.1 Exit gunshot wound.

Exit gunshot wound

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Exit gunshot wounds are usually irregular in shape and relatively large – and may be confused with contact…
Fig.1 Three radiating petals from the entrance wound under the jaw.

Entrance wound radiating petals patterns from muzzle break

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
The figure shows three radiating petals from the entrance wound under the jaw of a victim of suicide…
Fig.1 This individual died after getting hit by a train.

This individual died after getting hit by a train

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual died after getting hit by a train, no further info. Railroad deaths in the US totaled…
Fig.1 Open secondary skull fracture at exit of a shotgun blast.

Open secondary skull fracture at exit of a shotgun blast

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Open secondary skull fracture at exit of a shotgun blast. No further info. Head injuries from shotguns…
Fig.1 A suicide using a chainsaw to cut into the right side of the face.

A suicide using a chainsaw to cut into the right side of the face

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide with a chainsaw into the right side of the face. No further info. Suicides,…
Fig.1 Complete destruction of the head.

Complete destruction of the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Complete destruction of the head from a gunshot suicide. No further info. Head injuries from shotguns and high-powered…
Fig.1 The position of the corpse (after removal of the blanket lying on the corpse): lateral view.

Suicide with home made guillotine

| Suicide | No Comments
Germany. In early September 2011, after a 2-week holiday, a 26-year-old man failed to show up for work…
Fig.1 Intraoral shotgun wound.

Intraoral shotgun wound

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Occasionally, people shooting themselves in the mouth tilt their heads too far back- ward before firing. This results…
Fig.1 Tentative cuts inflicted with suicidal intent.

Tentative cuts inflicted with suicidal intent

| Suicide | No Comments
Tentative cuts inflicted with suicidal intent accompanied by deep stab/incised wounds to the soft tissue of the neck.…

Suicide by multiple sharp-force injuries with broken glass

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide with broken glass from a picture frame. No further info. Sharp-force injuries are defined…

High velocity rifle suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Texas, USA. These photos illustrate the appearance of a crime scene indoors involving a high velocity weapon. The…

Man commits suicide at ex-wife’s house

| Fire, Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Thailand. A 40-year-old taxi driver broke in to the apartment of his ex-wife and set it on fire,…

Man in a state of advanced decay after suicide

| Decomposition, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
This individual was found in a state of advanced decay, he had committed suicide by hanging. No further…
Fig.1 Suicide by aircraft.

‘‘I am flying to the stars’’—Suicide by aircraft

| Aircrash, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. In March of 2007, a 50-year-old man was fatally injured when his single-engine low wing propeller aircraft…
Fig.1 Suicide by train.

Suicide by train

| Suicide | No Comments
Suicide by train. Decapitation of the head. No further info. Unfortunately, suicides by train do occur, and they…

Complex suicide

| Gunshot, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
USA. A planned complex suicide. Note the gun on the floor near the decedent’s feet. The victim had…
Fig.1 Gunshot wound to the head.

Gunshot wound to the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual died from a gunshot wound to the head. No further info. The head is the most…
Fig.1 The deceased was hanging on the cage of an elevating work platform.

Man found hanging on the cage of an elevating work platform

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
The body of a 39-year-old man without any history of drug abuse or illness was found in a…
Fig.1 Twin brothers dead on a sofa with self-inflicted gunshot wounds to their heads. One brother is holding a homemade firearm.

Twin brothers commit suicide together

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Twin brothers committed suicide together with a gunshot wound to the head from self-constructed shooting devices, they were…

Suicide by suffocation with a bag and cable ties

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. This individual committed suicide by suffocation with a bag and cable ties. After placing the bag over…
Fig.1 Under the chin shotgun suicide.

Under the chin shotgun suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Injuries caused by multiple projectiles (shotgun), with submental entry hole and exit with cranial rupture. No further…
Fig.1 Contact wound under the chin from a 12 gauge shotgun. Tangential wound of the face with only a few pellets entering the cranial cavity.

Contact wound under the chin from a 12 gauge shotgun

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual shot himself under the chin from a 12 gauge shotgun and walked 10–15 ft to his…
Fig.1 Suicide by intraoral gunshot wound. Note linear tears of the face.

Linear tears on face from the rapid expansion of departed gases from an intraoral gunshot

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by an intraoral gunshot wound. In the tremendous force imparted by the expulsion of…
Fig.7 Wooden lath installed into the table.

An unusual case of suicide: Near decapitation by a modified table saw

| Suicide | No Comments
Hungary. A man received an email from his 51-year-old brother that he was planning to commit suicide. He…
Fig.1 Scene photograph with hammer used to strike the primer.

Suicide With a Homemade Shotgun

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Virginia, US. A 57-year-old white man with a history of depression and prior suicidal ideation was found lifeless…

Suicide with explosive in the mouth

| Explosion, Suicide | No Comments
US. A 20-year-old white man was found dead by his father in the subject’s bedroom, reclining in a…
Fig.1 Open craniocerebral trauma. The site of impact in the fronto-parietal region.

Cyclist commits suicide by crashing into a wall going full speed

| Suicide | No Comments
Germany. A 71-year-old man was found lying on the road at a village junction (30 km/h zone) with…
Fig.1 Body in stages of black putrefaction.

Body in stages of black putrefaction

| Decomposition, Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Body in stages of black putrefaction apparent in extensive mottling, the draining of purge fluid,…
Fig.1 Crushed head from fall from height.

Crushed head from fall from height

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by fall from height, no further info. A crushing brain injury causes damage to…
Fig.1 Suicide with a hunting rifle.

Suicide with a hunting rifle

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual died after shooting himself under the chin with a hunting rifle. No further info. Head injuries…
Fig.2 The two separated parts of the skull.

Woman committed suicide with a band saw

| Suicide | No Comments
~1990s - A 48-year-old landlord’s wife suffering from chronic depression committed suicide with a band saw by amputation…
Fig.1 The female decedent was on her left side on the bed.

Woman killed in a murder-suicide

| Gunshot, Homicide, Suicide | No Comments
A 25-year-old woman had moved in with her 34-year-old boyfriend 3 weeks earlier. The brother of the boyfriend…
Fig.1 Tissue tears extending from the sides of the mouth from intraoral shotgun wound.

Tears from the sides of the mouth from intraoral shotgun wound

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
In this intraoral shotgun wound, note the tissue tears extending from the sides of the mouth. These tears…
Fig.3 A gunshot wound was noted in the right temporal region.

Young woman found dead with a gunshot wound to the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
2006 - Belo Jardim, Brazil. The Police was called to a residential unit located in the rural area…
Fig.5 Stellate exit wound.

Young man commits suicide with a shotgun

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Iceland. A 28-year-old man was reported missing by his mother. He had a medical history of depression, for…
Fig.1 Prison inmate who wrote an inscription on the wall of the prison cell using his own blood before hanging himself.

Satan is coming take me home

| Asphyxiation, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
USA. Self-inflicted injuries on a prison inmate who hanged himself after writing "Satan is coming take me home"…

Man found hanging and decomposing in the forest

| Decomposition, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
A young man in Brazil was found hanged and decomposed in the forest, he had been missing for…
Fig.1 A photograph of the individual.

Shotgun suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. This middle-aged man decided to end his life using a shotgun. No further info. Head injuries from…

Hanging with mummified body

| Decomposition, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. This individual committed suicide by hanging, with possible change of mind and attempt to remove the ligature,…
Fig.1 A gaping stellate wound on the right side of the forehead.

A gaping stellate wound on the forehead

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
The premise that exit wounds are larger than entrance wounds is a generality only. A man was found…
Fig.2 The body turned over showing numerous wounds to the trunk.

Multiple stab wounds to chest – suicide or homicide?

| Suicide | No Comments
Poland. The body of a 36-year-old man with multiple torso wounds was found by the police in the…
Fig.1 Suicide by shotgun: entrance wound in the mouth and facial major lesions.

Suicide by shotgun

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Suicide by shotgun: entrance wound in the mouth and facial major lesions. It has been clearly established that…
Fig.1 The knife protruding from the forehead.

An Unusual Death by Transcranial Stab Wound

| Suicide | No Comments
France. A 24-year-old man was found dead by his father lying on the ground in his yard, facedown,…
Fig.1 Injuries on the victim's face.

Man with disfigured face found dead

| Explosion, Suicide | No Comments
March 2016 - Belo Horizonte, Brazil. A 37-year-old man was found dead by his father at his residence…
Fig.1 A photograph of a suicide by shotgun.

Man kills himself with a shotgun

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. This individual killed himself with a shotgun. He had just killed his father, who had terminal cancer.…
Fig.1 During the investigation of the oral cavity, several blowfly larvae of different sizes were revealed.

Body found outdoors

| Suicide | No Comments
In December 2007, the body of a man was found on the waterfront of a lake in the…
Fig.4 Frontal view of the pericranial soft tissue damage produced by a circular saw blade.

Man commits suicide with a circular table saw

| Suicide | No Comments
Slovakia. A newly widowed 79-year-old man was found dead in front of the garage of his family home,…
Fig.1 Destruction of the facial skeleton due to shotgun blast.

Destruction of the facial skeleton due to shotgun blast

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Destruction of the facial skeleton due to shotgun blast. No further info. Shotguns differ from rifles and…
Fig.1 The deceased was registered in the guest house as male.

Suicide by hanging

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
New Delhi, India. The incident took place in one of the guest houses in the city. The deceased…
Fig.1 Destruction of most of the head from a contact shotgun wound.

Destruction of most of the head from a contact shotgun wound

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Destruction of most of the head from a contact shotgun wound. There was no further info about this…
Fig.1 Contact wound of the right temple with evisceration of the brain.

Contact wound of the right temple

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Contact wound of the right temple with evisceration of the brain. Note soot at the entrance site. In…

Shotgun blast to the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. Middle facial injury with cranial rupture caused by shotgun blast. No further info. Despite the extreme amount…
Fig.1 Death scene. Her face was pale and the protrusion of the tongue was observed.

Woman committed suicide by hanging herself in her bathroom

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. A 45-year-old woman committed suicide by hanging herself in her bathroom. The string was attached to the…
Fig1. Contact rifle wound of the head.

Contact rifle wound of the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
In some contact rifle wounds of the head, the entrance may be difficult to locate because of the…

Helium suicide

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
Poland. A grandmother found the corpse of her grandson in an apartment in a block of flats in…
Fig.1 This individual placed a 12-gauge shotgun against his right temple and pulled the trigger.

12-gauge shotgun suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual placed a 12-gauge shotgun against his right temple and pulled the trigger. As can be noted,…
Fig.1 The bathroom where a man was found dead. On the victim’s left thigh was found a black powder percussion double barreled derringer (yellow arrow).

Complex suicide with black powder muzzle loading derringer

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Czech Republic. A 39-year-old man was discovered dead in the bathroom of his house, hanging by the neck…
Fig.1 The victim was found lying dead in a pool of blood near a small table on which an abrasive saw had been fixed. A suicide note was found beside the glasses on the right table.

Man commits suicide by cutting his neck with a cut-off saw

| Suicide | No Comments
South Korea. Loosely translated from Korean. The deceased is a 48-year-old man who had been suffering from schizophrenia…
Fig.1 This individual was found dead on the recliner due to self-ligature strangulation. There was a cutter, cigarette, and many liquor bottles nearby.

Self-ligature strangulation by utilizing a recliner

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
South Korea. Most cases of ligature strangulation are generally homicides, and deaths due to suicide or accident are…

Shotgun wound to the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual has a 12 gauge single-shot shotgun wound to the side of the head. Found supine on…
Fig.1 Entrance wound on the left side of the head.

Suicide with a hunting rifle

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a hunting rifle, no further info on…
Fig.1 Gunshot entrance in center of upper eyelid, contact range.

This 66-year-old man committed suicide after being told he had cancer

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Billings, Montana - This 66-year-old man committed suicide after being told he had cancer. The entrance of the…
Fig.2 Destruction of victims head.

Explosive suicidal head destruction

| Explosion, Suicide | No Comments
November 2017 - Belo Horizonte, Brazil. A 57-year-old female was found dead in a room in the residence…
Fig.1 The victim lying dead in the bathtub. Her foot was cut off above the ankle following several incision wounds. The knife was found on the side of the bathtub near the faucet.

Woman commits suicide by cutting off her foot

| Suicide | No Comments
South Korea. Loosely translated from Korean. The deceased was a 61-year-old unemployed woman who lived alone. The mother…
Fig.1 Scene photograph showing the decedent’s posture in which he was found.

Self-inflicted explosive death by detonating a firecracker in the mouth

| Explosion, Suicide | No Comments
January 2017 - Pretoria, South Africa. A 76-year-old Caucasian man was admitted to a medico-legal postmortem examination after…
Fig.1 In this suicide by intraoral shotgun wound, note the tissue tears extending from the sides of the mouth

The dynamics of a firearm discharged into the mouth

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
In these intraoral gunshot wounds, note the tissue tears extending from the sides of the mouth. These tears…
Fig.1 Destruction of most of the head from a contact shotgun wound.

Destruction of most of the head from a contact shotgun wound

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Destruction of most of the head from a contact shotgun wound with preservation of the avulsed brain (next…
Fig.1 This man committed suicide by cutting his throat.

Man commits suicide by cutting his throat

| Suicide | No Comments
This man committed suicide by cutting his throat while he was sitting on a bed opposite his own…
Fig.1 Intraoral blast injury.

Suicide by Detonation of Intraoral Firecracker

| Explosion, Suicide | No Comments
Detroit, MI. USA - A 21-year-old man was noted by family members to go into the garage behind…
Fig.1 Top of the head blown away from shotgun blast in the mouth.

Top of the head blown away from shotgun blast in the mouth

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This suicide shows the devastating result of a shotgun blast in the mouth, which resulted in the top…
Fig.1 The catastrophic effect of an intraoral discharge.

The catastrophic effect of an intraoral discharge

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
The catastrophic effect of an intraoral discharge. The head has completely opened up in a petal like fashion.…
Fig.1 Suicidal smothering.

Suicidal smothering

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
New York, NY. This photo depicts a victim who has been smothered. She committed suicide by placing a…
Fig.1 Death scene. A 46-year-old male dentist was found dead of ligature strangulation next to a dental unit at the dental clinic where he worked.

Ligature strangulation using a dental unit

| Asphyxiation, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
Seoul, South Korea. The victim, a 46-year-old male dentist, was found dead of ligature strangulation next to a…
Fig.1 Anterior view of the head showing extensive loss of soft tissues of the head and exposure of the teeth and mandible. NB: the frames of glasses are still in situ.

Man burned to death when a LPG cylinder ignited

| Accident, Fire, Suicide | No Comments
This male individual was driving when an LPG cylinder(Liquefied petroleum gas), which was in the front passenger side…
Fig.1 This victim shot himself under the chin with a shotgun creating this classic massive tissue destruction.

Massive head destruction from an under the chin shotgun suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This victim shot himself under the chin with a shotgun creating this classic massive tissue destruction. No further…
Fig.1 Anterior view of the head and chest showing extensive trauma to the head.

Suicide with an explosive detonator in the mouth

| Explosion, Suicide | No Comments
This male individual placed an explosive detonator in his mouth. There was extensive destruction of the bone and…
Fig.1 The state in which the woman’s body was found.

Woman commits suicide by train

| Suicide | No Comments
Spain. This middle-aged woman with major depressive disorder committed suicide by train. No further info. Suicide by collision…
Fig.1 A contact shotgun wound of the lower chin.

A contact shotgun wound of the lower chin

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
A contact shotgun wound of the lower chin. Note the stretch-type lacerations of the right side of the…
Fig.1 Shotgun suicide.

Shotgun suicide

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
There was no info about this case, so here's just some general info: At close range, the shotgun…
Fig.1 Suicide with a pistol.

Suicide with a pistol

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual has died after a self-inflicted gunshot to the head, no further info. The head is the…
Fig.1 The body at the scene. Decedent lying on his right side, covered with a blue plastic bag; below the bag also the upper part of 5-L propane/butane gas bottle. [Colorized]

Suicidal asphyxiation by propane-butane mixture inside a plastic bag

| Asphyxiation, Suicide | No Comments
A 30-year-old male was found fully dressed lying on his right side on his sofa in his flat.…
Fig.1 Contact shotgun wound to the head.

Contact shotgun wound to the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
I don't have the backstory from this case but here's some general info. At close range, the shotgun…
Fig.3 The head and the left side of the face of the deceased on the pressing plate with the piston impaling the head (closer aspect).

Suicidal head impalement with a hydraulic press machine

| Suicide | No Comments
Serbia. A 63-year-old mechanic, diagnosed with schizophrenia, was released from a psychiatric clinic to spend a weekend with…
Fig.1 Scene photograph showing the position in which the head was found.

Unusual accidental decapitation in a road traffic incident

| Accident, Suicide | No Comments
A 28-year-old man was driving a car at a speed of approximately 80 km/h (49.7 mph) on a…
Fig.1 Suicidal contact wound under the chin from a 7.62 calibre rifle with destruction of the head.

Suicidal contact wound under the chin

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This victim shot himself under the chin with a 7.62 calibre rifle creating massive tissue destruction, no further…

A facial reconstruction and identification technique for seriously devastating head wounds

| Suicide | No Comments
A 77-year-old woman in the Czech Republic committed suicide by train. The face of the woman was reconstructed…
Fig.2 Position of the deceased on the bed.

Unusual suicide pact with a single shot

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. Translated by Hermantheshocker. The bodies of a 27-year-old woman and a 44-year-old man were found lying entwined…
Fig.1 Suicidal hanging resulting in complete decapitation. Colorized by Hermantheshocker.

Suicidal hanging resulting in complete decapitation

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
This woman was decapitated after committing suicide by hanging. The image was in black and white and I…
Fig.1 An extreme example of facial splitting from an intraoral discharge.

Facial splitting from an intraoral discharge

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
An extreme example of facial splitting from an intraoral discharge. Conspicuous splitting is noted along the paranasal and…
Fig.1 Suicidal gunshot injury to the forehead in a 70-year-old man who was found kneeling before the bathtub.

Man committed suicide by gunshot to the forehead

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. This 70-year-old man committed suicide by gunshot to the forehead. He was found kneeling by his bathtub,…
Fig.1 At the scene, note the severe cranial injuries and surrounding environmental blood and tissue staining.

Extreme cranial destruction in a suicide by a buckshot loaded into a bangstick

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Head injuries from shotguns and high-powered rifles are typically quite devastating, often with extensive soft tissue destruction, skull…
Fig.1 Intraoral shotgun wound with extreme facial splitting (suicidal discharge of a 12-gauge shotgun).

Intraoral suicide with a shotgun

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed intraoral suicide with a shotgun. The shotgun wound resulted in extreme facial splitting from the…
Fig.1 Woman who committed suicide by hanging found 19 months later.

Woman who committed suicide by hanging found 19 months later

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. A decomposed body was found hanging from a tree in a forest. The body belonged to a…
Fig.1 Suicidal stab wound.

Suicidal stab wound

| Suicide | No Comments
Nassau County, New York - Suicidal stab wound into a female victim’s chest with the knife left in…
Fig.1 Hanging position of deceased.

A young man committed suicide by hanging

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
India. A young man aged about 26-year got married a couple of years back, he used to maintain…
Fig.1 Body of an adult female showing the formation of subcutaneous adipocere.

Female body recovered from a floodplain in the North of Italy

| Decomposition, Drowning, Suicide | No Comments
In mid-November 2010 a hunter walking on the Po river bank near Parma (Emilia-Romagna Region, in the north-east…
Fig.1 Scene photograph showing the victim in a collapsed lawn chair in the middle of the backyard of his rural residence, with notable absence of the head.

Suicide by Bomb, with Decapitation

| Explosion, Suicide | No Comments
Mishawaka, Indiana, US. In the fall of 2011, the badly injured body of a 65-year-old male was found…
Fig.1 Suicide victim detonated one kilogram of TNT on his chest.

Suicide victim detonated one kilogram of TNT on his chest

| Explosion, Suicide | No Comments
Blast injury. The suicide victim detonated one kilogram of TNT on his chest. No further info. Explosive-caused injuries…
Fig.1 Complex suicide of a 31-year-old man.

Complex suicide of a 31-year-old man

| Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. Complex suicide of a 31-year-old man following the attempted killing of his 29-year-old partner. Atypical hanging in…
Fig.1 “Krönlein” shot. Complete evisceration of the brain 

Krönlein shot, complete evisceration of the brain

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Krönlein shot indicates a prolapse of an intact brain hemisphere or, more rarely, of both brain hemispheres in…
Fig.1 Self-inflicted gunshot wound to the forehead with a shotgun

Self-inflicted gunshot wound to the forehead with a shotgun

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. Self-inflicted gunshot to the forehead with a shotgun. The scalp is torn open in several long stretches;…
Fig.1 The deceased had been found dead underneath a model cannon which had been fixed with jackscrews to his workbench.

Suicide by small model cannon

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. A 39-year-old metalworker was found dead in his workroom. He had manipulated a model cannon with jackscrews…

Suicidal ligature strangulation utilizing cable ties

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by fastening cable ties around his neck, leading to suffocation. Each cable tie was…

Flash suppressor burns from M-14 rifle

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Flash suppressors generally consist of a cylinder, having a number of longitudinal slits along its length that is…
Fig.1 View of victim in his bedroom with massive head trauma from self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

Massive head trauma from self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head

| Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Wausau, Wisconsin, USA. This individual shot himself in the head with an upward trajectory. The man was determined…
Fig.1 Intensive blue color of mouth and lips in a case of suicidal intoxication with solvents

Intensive blue color of mouth and lips in a case of suicidal intoxication with solvents

| Suicide | No Comments
Intensive blue color of mouth and lips in a case of suicidal intoxication with solvents. No further info…
Fig.2 The devastating effect of a high-powered weapon placed into the mouth of a suicide victim.

High velocity bloodstain spatter firearm rifle suicide

| Gunshot, Homicide, Suicide | No Comments
This photograph illustrates the devastating effect of a high-powered weapon placed into the mouth of a suicide victim.…
Fig.1 Suicide with a box cutter.

Suicide with a box cutter

| Suicide | No Comments
The woman in this photograph committed suicide with a box cutter by severing the peroneal artery, which is…

Suicide by intraoral gunshot wound to the head

| Suicide | No Comments
Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA. This individual committed suicide by intraoral gunshot wound to the head, no further info.…
Fig.1 This victim shot himself under the chin creating a massive tissue destruction.

Facial disruption as seen when the muzzle is placed beneath the chin

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual killed himself with a gunshot under the chin creating a massive tissue destruction. Facial disruption can…
Fig.1 The bodies of the alleged perpetrator and the victim.

Gender-Based Violence: Extended Suicide

| Homicide, Suicide | No Comments
Spain. This is a case of gender-based violence and murder, with the perpetrator subsequently killing themselves (i.e., murder-suicide)…
Fig.1 View of victim with massive head trauma from gunshot. Rifle is positioned in wooden apparatus.

Man builds an elaborate apparatus to commit suicide

| Suicide | No Comments
Stuart, Florida, USA. Occasionally, self-inflicted gunshots involve elaborate apparatus. This individual took the time and patience to construct…

Massive explosive burstlike exit wound to the head from a .30-06 hunting rifle

| Suicide | No Comments
Massive explosive burstlike exit wound to the head from a .30-06 hunting rifle suicide. Note outward petal like…
Fig.1 Contact gunshot wound on the forehead.

A contact entrance wound of the head showing wide separation of the wound edges

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual has a contact gunshot wound on the forehead. Note the split by tears radiating from a…
Fig.1 The scene.

Suicide by decapitation using a tape saw

| Suicide | No Comments
Spain. The body of a 22-year-old man was found inside a metal workshop lying on the bench of…
Fig.1 Notice the blow-out injury to the left side of his face.

Self-inflicted intraoral shotgun wound with birdshot ammunition

| Suicide | No Comments
1998 - Miami-Dade County, Florida, US. This young man has a self-inflicted intraoral shotgun wound with birdshot ammunition.…
Fig.1 Fracture of maxilla and extensive tears around the mouth in a suicide case with a high-velocity firearm.

The rapid expansion of departed hot gases from firearms can cause facial features to balloon far beyond their elastic capacity

| Suicide | No Comments
Notice the linear tears extending laterally from the corners of this individuals mouth after the tremendous force imparted…
Fig.1 Case 1, destruction of the cranium by a contact shot with hunting rifle (CZ 550, caliber 308 W, projectile SPCE-soft point cutting edge, 150 g) to the right temple. Bursting of the skullcap with complete exenteration of the brain (Krönlein shot).

Reconstruction of devastating head injuries

| Accident, Suicide | No Comments
Crushing head injuries are characterized by extensive soft tissue laceration, closed and open comminuted fractures of cranial and…
Fig.1 This woman committed suicide, note the raccoon eyes.

Raccoon eyes on a suicide victim

| Suicide | No Comments
This woman committed suicide with a gun under the chin, her finger was on the trigger when found,…

Suicide with a homemade 12-gauge shotgun cartridge filled with screws, nuts, and other metal objects

| Suicide | No Comments
The image shows a wound caused by a flare gun that fired a homemade 12-gauge shotgun cartridge filled…

Bloody cough from gunshot suicide

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide with a gun, there was no further info but it looks like he might…
Fig.1 The entrance wound is on the forehead and has a stellate-shaped appearance.

Gunshot entrance wound on the forehead

| Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide with a sawed-off IZH-18 shotgun. The entrance wound is on the forehead and has…
Fig.1 Close up view of the anterior pelvis and thigh region showing amputation of the left leg.

Man jumped from the 28th floor of an apartment block

| Suicide | No Comments
This male individual jumped from the 28th floor of an apartment block and fell approximately 84 m (275…
Fig.1 Extensive scalp tears and calvarial fractures.

Devastating rifle wound to the head

| Suicide | No Comments
This 52-year-old man sustained an intermediate range rifle wound to the left side of his head from a…
Fig.1 The body in the crime scene. Take note that the victim is secured four-point to the bed with ropes.

Man suffering from PTSD from the Iraq war wraps his head in plastic wrap

| Suicide | No Comments
City of Lacey, Washington, USA. Police were called to a hotel after employees discovered a deceased man locked…
Fig.1 Hanging in jail using telephone cord.

Hanging in jail using telephone cord

| Suicide | No Comments
Hangings in jail using telephone cords have been described in the literature. Note the telephone cord looped around…