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This individual committed intraoral suicide with a shotgun. The shotgun wound resulted in extreme facial splitting from the discharge of the 12-gauge shotgun. Reconstruction by reapproximating was performed by sewing together the originally gaping lacerations. No further info about this case.

Fig.1 Intraoral shotgun wound with extreme facial splitting (suicidal discharge of a 12-gauge shotgun).

Despite the extreme amount of cranial destruction, careful and meticulous reapproximation of the calvarium, scalp, and facial tears allows for the demonstration and confirmation of a frontal entrance wound. Reconstruction of the wound can be very important to determine particular wound characteristics in cases of alleged homicide.

Fig.2 Reconstruction by reapproximating and sewing together the originally gaping lacerations.

Head injuries from shotguns and high-powered rifles are typically quite devastating, often with extensive soft tissue destruction, skull fractures, and pulpifaction of the brain. Occasionally, the brain is largely expelled from the cranial vault and may be found near the body.

Fig.3 Fragment of the skullcap (inner aspect), and shotgun shell of the type used in the suicide.

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