Spain. This individual died after getting crushed by a building under construction. No further info. Fig.1 Worker crushed by a building under construction. Latest posts Laceration of the scalp from a heavy torch Herman the Shocker | Homicide | No Comments Laceration of the scalp from a 30 cm long heavy torch (insert). The skin over the shoulders is… Man found dead in a truck Herman the Shocker | Gunshot, Homicide | No Comments Russia. A man was found dead in the back of a truck. The man had gunshot wound on… Suicide by cutting arms Herman the Shocker | Suicide | No Comments This individual committed suicide by cutting deep wounds into his arms and bled out. Self-inflicted sharp-force injuries, including… Homicide with a broken bottle Herman the Shocker | Homicide | No Comments Russia. This man was killed with a broken bottle and has deep cuts and lacerations on his neck.… See all posts