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Mummified body of an elderly male that had been lying dead in a block of flats for about 2 months in temperate climate in summer time. There are a few maggots of different stage and the head is covered with a thick layer of pupae. Mummification occurs in hot, dry environments. The body dehydrates and bacterial proliferation may be minimal. The skin becomes dark, dried, and leathery. The process occurs readily in the fingers and toes in dry environments, regardless of the temperature. Most mummified bodies are found in the summer months or in hot, dry climates. Mummification can occur in the winter indoors, especially if the heat is turned up, creating a hot, low-humidity environment. It is possible for an entire body to mummify in only a few days to weeks in the right conditions. Once a body is in this state, it can remain preserved for many years.

Fig.1 Mummified body of an elderly male.

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