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Mexico City, Mexico – February 9, 2020, a woman was brutally murdered by her partner who skinned and eviscerated her dead body. The bloody feminicide took place in the Vallejo neighbourhood in the Gustavo A. Madero area, a municipality in the heart of Mexico City, Mexico.

Fig.1 26 year old Ingrid Escamilla Vargas.

Fig.2 A woman was brutally murdered by her partner who skinned and eviscerated her dead body.

The victim was identified as 26 year old Ingrid Escamilla Vargas. Ingrid is believed to have been in a sugar-daddy type relationship with 46 years old Erik Robledo Rosas, her murderer. According to the information given at this time, Robledo stabbed the woman 5 times after an argument, presumably with a kitchen knife. After that, he skinned her from face to knees, extracting her eyeballs. At some point, he attempted to flush her remains piece by piece down the toilet, but that was too tedious and not working out very well, so he ended up putting her guts in plastic bags, and distributing them to different locations all within 7 blocks from the crime scene. Eric Robledo then called his ex-wife after the murder to confess. She in turn reported it to the police.

Fig.3 The bloody feminicide took place in the Vallejo neighbourhood in the Gustavo A. Madero area.

Fig.4 Robledo stabbed the woman 5 times after an argument, presumably with a kitchen knife.

Robledo’s alibi is that he acted in self defense, claiming that she tried to kill him with the same knife he used on her. His torso was indeed covered with wounds appearing to come from the same type of knife, but those could have been self inflicted. Footage shows Robledo in a car with his head bandaged and blood on his chest while he reportedly talks to a policeman. In the clip he said: “We started to argue and we fought. She said she wanted to kill me and I said do it.” He added: “She took a knife and I said do it at once. She stabbed me once and I said do it stronger. And she tried two more times.”

Fig.5 Robledo skinned her from face to knees, extracting her eyeballs.

Fig.6 The body at the crime scene.

When asked why he dismembered the woman’s dead body he answered: “I did not want anyone to know.” He added: “I used the same knife she attacked me with to stab her in her throat. I threw pieces of her dead body to the drainage system because I felt ashamed.” Erik Robledo Rosas was sentenced to 70 years in prison for the murder of Ingrid.

Fig.7 At some point, he attempted to flush her remains piece by piece down the toilet.

Fig.8 He ended up putting her guts in plastic bags, and distributing them to different locations all within 7 blocks from the crime scene.

Fig.9 The apartment building where the crime took place.

Fig.10 Erik Robledo Rosas was sentenced to 70 years in prison for the murder of Ingrid.

Fig.11 26 year old Ingrid Escamilla Vargas.

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