Animal Scavenging

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Fig.1 Irregular and finely serrated wound margins.

Postmortem rodent scavenging

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Irregular and finely serrated wound margins with a series of parallel cutaneous lacerations deriving from the biting action…
Fig.1 Postmortem injuries inflicted by a domestic dog.

Postmortem injuries inflicted by a domestic dog

| Accident, Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Postmortem animal depredation is a substantial part of the taphonomic processes a body undergoes after death. While the…
Fig.1 A 31-year-old man, suicide by shooting himself in the mouth.

Postmortem animal activity by a pet dog

| Animal Scavenging, Gunshot, Suicide | No Comments
Germany. A 31-year-old man lived with his 71-year-old mother and his pet German Shepherd in a converted garden…
Fig.1 Decomposition after submersion in water.

Decomposition after submersion in water

| Accident, Animal Scavenging, Decomposition, Drowning | No Comments
If a body is placed in water containing a large amount of bacteria, such as that from sewage…
Fig.2 Postmortem dog feeding occurred around the anus.

Postmortem dog feeding around the anus

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Note the fixed anterior lividity. The decedent was lying prone on a bed with a wrinkled comforter. Postmortem…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal activity on a suicide victim.

Postmortem animal activity on a suicide victim

| Animal Scavenging, Hanging, Suicide | No Comments
This individual committed suicide by hanging. Postmortem animal activity can be seen on the ear and chin of…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal scavenging.

Postmortem animal scavenging

| Accident, Animal Scavenging | No Comments
The phenomenon of postmortem animal interference with human bodies or their remains is a substantial part of the…
Fig.1 Postmortem injuries made by rodents.

Postmortem injuries made by rodents

| Accident, Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Postmortem scavenging is common among wild and domestic rodents; they are well known to alter or destroy the…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal scavenging on a soldier's corpse.

Postmortem animal scavenging on a soldier’s corpse

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
This soldier died in the Ukraine-Russia war and his body was scavenged by animals postmortem. The phenomenon of…
Fig.1 Postmortem injuries made by rodents.

Postmortem injuries made by rodents

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Postmortem scavenging is common among wild and domestic rodents; they are well known to alter or destroy the…
Fig.1 Homeless man found dead in concrete shelter.

Homeless man found dead in concrete shelter

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
This homeless man was found dead inside a concrete shelter. The body showed. evidence of postmortem animal scavenging.…
Fig.1 Postmortem feeding from fish and crustaceans.

Postmortem feeding from fish and crustaceans

| Accident, Animal Scavenging, Drowning | No Comments
Postmortem feeding from fish and crustaceans found on this body retrieved from the ocean. No further info. Bodies…
Fig.1 Wasps drinking "death nectar" on a scavenged human limb.

Wasps drinking “death nectar” on a scavenged human limb

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
Various insects may take advantage of the nutritional factors a decomposing body has to offer whether through natural…
Fig.1 Animal predation by a dog.

Animal predation by a dog

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Russia. This individual died at his home from thromboembolism, he was found a week later, during that time…
Fig.1 Body recovered from the bank of a swamp.

Body recovered from the bank of a swamp

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition, Drowning | No Comments
The body of a 35-year-old woman was recovered from the bank of a swamp in the southeastern United…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal predation.

Postmortem animal predation

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
This individual has signs of postmortem (after death) animal scavenging around the mouth, made by a dog that…
Fig.1 Postmortem changes associated with small fish.

Postmortem changes associated with small fish

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
The individual in this photograph has postmortem changes associated with small fish that feed on soft tissue like…

Postmortem animal activity

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Larger carnivore activity is common in rural and suburban areas. In many cases, there may be activity from…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal scavenging.

Postmortem animal scavenging

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Extensive traces of scavenging next to the body after it had been enclosed at home for an extended…

Animal scavenging on a murder victim

| Animal Scavenging, Homicide | No Comments
Mexico. A 42-year-old man was murdered and left out in the field. Animal scavenging had occurred to his…

The Death Mask Murder case

| Animal Scavenging, Homicide | No Comments
Rockland County, NY, US. In March 1985 some young boys found a charred and mutilated corpse in a…

The murder of two men

| Animal Scavenging, Fire, Homicide | No Comments
In March 2012 a charred corpse was found near the Shkotovo-Artem highway in Russia. The corpse was discovered…
Fig.1 Skeletal remains of a body found outdoors.

Skeletal remains of a body found outdoors

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
Nassau County, New York. Skeletal remains of a body found outdoors. No further info. Skeletonization is the state…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal predation.

Postmortem animal predation

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
This individual died and his body was scavenged by animals, no further info. The phenomenon of postmortem animal…
Fig.1 Rapid skeletonization of remains due to water temperature and carnivorous fish species.

Rapid skeletonization due to carnivorous fish species

| Accident, Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Brazil. Rapid skeletonization of remains may occur in bodies of water in tropical areas due to water temperature…
Fig.1 Woman’s face eaten by the family dog.

Woman’s face eaten by the family dog

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
This woman’s face was eaten by the family dog postmortem, which increased putrefactive changes to the internal components…
Fig.1 Anterior view of the head and neck showing extensive scavenging of the face.

Postmortem animal activity on woman’s face by her puppy

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
This woman was located deceased at home in her bedroom wearing only a pair of underpants, lying on…

The use of dentures to identify a decomposed body from the sea

| Accident, Animal Scavenging, Decomposition, Drowning | No Comments
The body of this decomposed individual was pulled from the sea. The loss of tissue around eyes and…
Fig.1 Injuries from scavenging on the face.

Postmortem animal predation

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
San Fransisco, US - 2008. This individual had died and his body scavenged by animals postmortem, no further…
Fig.1 Postmortem predation by eels.

Postmortem predation by eels

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
This individual was found dead in water. Postmortem activity by eels were discovered on the body. Such injuries…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal activity.

Postmortem animal activity

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
The phenomenon of postmortem animal interference with human bodies or their remains is a substantial part of the…
Fig.1 Scene where the body was recovered from.

Indoor postmortem animal scavenging by 15 dogs

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
In Sri Lanka, a 76-year-old female was found dead in her house lying supine on the bed and…
Fig.1 Postmortem injuries by pet dog with near total absence of facial skin and nose.

Postmortem injuries inflicted by a domestic dog

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
The individual in the images received the injuries postmortem by a domestic dog, cause of death unknown. No…
Fig.1 The victim.

Man eaten by vulture catfish

| Accident, Animal Scavenging, Drowning | No Comments
A 29-year-old man was fishing when his canoe turned over and his body submerged. The body was recovered…
Fig.1 Animal feeding on badly burned body.

Animal feeding on badly burned body

| Animal Scavenging, Fire, Homicide | No Comments
Nassau County, New York. This badly burned body had been dumped at an outside location where animals fed…
Fig.1 Postmortem predation by a dog.

Postmortem predation by a dog

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Early postmortem predation by a dog with bite marks evident at the edge of the soft tissue defect.…
Fig.1 Face consumed postmortem by a domestic dog.

Face consumed postmortem by a domestic dog

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
The individual in the images received the injuries postmortem by a domestic dog, cause of death unknown. No…

Woman’s face eaten postmortem by her dog

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
A 40-year-old woman was found dead in her apartment lying supine on the bed and the upper trunk…
Fig.1 Dumped body.

Dumped body

| Animal Scavenging, Homicide | No Comments
Dumped body (Illinois State Police case Highway 64). Animal scavenging on face and left arm. This victim was…

Postmortem animal predation by a cat

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
This individual died and was attacked postmortem by a cat, no further info. Postmortem animal depredation is a…
Fig.1 Body at the bodyfarm at The University of Tennessee Anthropology Research Facility.

Raccoon scavenging on a human corpse

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
The image is of a body at the bodyfarm at The University of Tennessee Anthropology Research Facility. The…
Fig.1 Skeletonization of the head and neck from animal predation.

Skeletonization of the head

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Skeletonization of the head, neck, and the left hand due to animal predation in a body that was…
Fig.1 Body dumped in a wooded area near LA and scavenged by animals.

Body dumped near LA and scavenged by animals

| Animal Scavenging, Homicide | No Comments
A body was dumped in a wooded area near Los Angeles. By the time it was discovered about…
Fig.1 Woman's face eaten postmortem by an animal.

Woman’s face eaten postmortem by an animal

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
The woman in this photo passed away, and an animal in the household started to eat her face…

The impact of upright position on decomposition

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition, Mummification | No Comments
Decomposition studies have elucidated many different factors affecting the rate and process of decomposition. However, no study has…
Fig.1 Postmortem carnivore activity around the mouth of a decedent.

Postmortem carnivore activity around the mouth of a decedent

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
A typical area of carnivore activity centered around the mouth of a decedent can be seen in this…
Fig.1 Postmortem mutilation by dogs.

Postmortem mutilation by dogs

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
This individual died and was attacked postmortem by dogs, no further info. Postmortem animal depredation is a substantial…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal activity by mice.

Postmortem animal activity by mice

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
This old man died and was then partially consumed by some mice, no further info. Postmortem animal interference…
Fig. 3 The skull of the decedent with defleshing of the face and removal of the eyeballs. The orbits were filled with large amounts of white mold.

Postmortem predation by a clowder of domestic cats

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Australia. A 69-year-old man was found lying on the floor at his home address(Fig. 1). According to the…
Fig.1 Postmortem rat bites.

Postmortem rat bites

| Animal Scavenging, Decomposition | No Comments
This individual received the injuries postmortem by rats, cause of death unknown. No further info on the case.…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal depredation after poisoning.

Postmortem animal depredation after poisoning

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Spain. This individual died after ingesting poison. The injuries were inflicted postmortem by a dog. No further info.…
Fig.1 Postmortem animal predation by a pet dog.

Postmortem animal predation by a pet dog

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Animal predation is less commonly seen than insect predation. Because most putrefied bodies are recovered from a home…
Fig.1 Postmortem facial injuries inflicted by rodents.

Postmortem facial injuries inflicted by rodents

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
This individual received the injuries postmortem by rodents, cause of death unknown. No further info on the case.…
Fig.1 The remains of an adult male found in a river after a crocodile attack. Colorized image.

Fatal Crocodile Attack [Colorized]

| Accident, Animal Scavenging | No Comments
Australia. The remains of an adult male found in a river after a crocodile attack. The head had…

Postmortem animal predation on woman’s face by a domestic pet

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
King County, WA, USA. The face of this woman shows typical postmortem animal scavenging injuries, in this case…

Postmortem animal interference on a female corpse

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
I unfortunately don't have the backstory here, other than this is from a case of postmortem animal interference,…
Fig.1 Wounds caused by a German shepherd postmortem [Colorized].

Face and neck eaten by German shepherd

| Animal Scavenging | No Comments
I colorized the original black and white image. Rounded, regular wound margins caused by a German shepherd postmortem.…