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Image of a cadaver at a body farm in Australia. The body farm is the Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research (AFTER), which was set up to investigate human decomposition under a variety of conditions to replicate crime scene scenarios. It lies in a secret bushland location on the outskirts of Sydney.

Fig.1 The cadaver on day 7 of decomposition, the skull of the cadaver is becoming visible under drying skin.

On the 25th of January 2017, one frozen human cadaver (Fig.1) and one refrigerated human cadaver were transported to the research site. The cadavers were placed on the ground in anatomical position and covered with lightweight wire cages. The ground below each cadaver was comprised mostly of soil, leaf litter, dead grass and sticks. The cadavers were located in an area partially covered by trees; both cadavers received a mixture of sun and shade throughout the day.

The image is taken on day 7 and advanced decomposition has started. The skull of the cadaver is becoming visible under drying skin. The cadaver is of a 77-year-old female body donor estimated to weigh 40-50 kg. It is known that she died as a result of non-small cell lung cancer (metastatic) and colon cancer. She died in January 2017 and was frozen three days following death.

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